DSP Power Circuitry

 DSP Power Rails

This part is pretty self explanatory. The only thing to note is that USB1_VDDA18 and USB1_VDDA33 are disconnected because this design will not be using USB1.

 Bypass caps

Once again not much to say here. Most of this was decided by a combination of recommendations from Texas Instruments documents SPRACK9 and SPRABV2. Check the references section at the bottom for links to these documents.


So originally I didn’t plan on having the DSP have seperate power rails from the FPGA and the system at large. But as I worked through the design more and more it became clear that A) The amount of power rails was getting a bit ridiculous, and B) I really didn’t want to deal with trying to figure out different power sequences for both the FPGA and DSP on a combination of shared and not shared power rails. Most of the design above is adopted from the design that is used on the development board for the TMS320C6478. The only changes that were made were to the power sequencing (see next section) and changing some components around for some that are a bit easier to get or are cheaper.

The intent with this is to essentially adopt the design over to the FPGA so everything is set up in a way I just have to adjust a few resistor values (see the equations at the top of the image) and everything should be plug and play.

One thing to note is that Advisory 2.3.18 in the TMS320C6478 Silicon Errata talks about a condition that can cause the DSP to internally pull the 1.8V rail up to 2.7V when using I/Os at 3.3v. The last paragraph of section 1.1 in Texas Instruments document number SLVA490 gives a good summary of the issue as well as the recommended workaround. The workaround states that if you maintain sufficient bulk capacitance on the DVDD18 rail then it will not be able to pull up to 1.8V. In that same document the author decided based on calculations that 11.88uF was the capacitance needed to prevent it. See the references section at the bottom of the page for links to the documents that talk about this.

Power Sequencing

Per the datasheet for the TMS320C6748, the power on sequence should go in the order stated below:

1 - Core logic supplies (1.2V and 1.3V)

2 - 1.8V I/O supplies

3 - 3.3V supplies

Reset must maintain an active signal during the power up sequence. Once the final 3.3v supply has powered up reset can be pulled high.

Lets walk through it step by step. If you look at the PMIC EN_LDO and EN_DCDC3 are pulled up to 5V through a 4.7K resistor. So the moment 5V is applied at VIN LDO1 begins supplying the 1.2V rail and DCDC3 starts supplying the 1.3V rail. Once the 1.3V rail is powered transistors Q3 and Q4 will apply 5V to EN_DCDC2 allowing it to start up and begin to supply the 1.8V rail. Up until this point U1 has held the EN_DCDC1 pin low. However once the 1.8V rail reaches 1.54V or so it will allow that pin to go high and 3.3V will be generated.

The reason I used the TPS3805 instead of another set of transistors is because during power off the sequence doesn’t matter so long as the 3.3V rail never exceeds the 1.8V rail by more than 2V. With the TPS3805 we can ensure that the 3.3V rail never gets to be more than 2V higher than the 1.8V rail. See application report SLVA490 for more info.

Lastly U16 generates the Power On Reset for the DSP since it does not have any internally.


Application Reports:

  • SLVA490 - Powering the TMS320C6742, TMS320C6746, and TMS320C6748 With the TPS650061

  • SPRABV2 - General hardware design/BGA PCB design/BGA decoupling

  • SPRACK9 - OMAP-L13x/C674x/AM1x schematic review guidelines

Silicon Errata:

  • SPRZ303H - TMS320C6748 Fixed- and Floating-Point DSP Silicon Revisions 2.3, 2.1, 2.0, 1.1 and 1.0 Silicon Errata

Development Boards: